"In some cultures, such as Asian and Indo-ethnic sub-groups, tend to prefer dimples on one's cheek, as it is purported to be a sign of attractiveness, good fortune and veracity."
To create a dimple, a small incision is made inside of your cheek. There is no incision or scar on the outside skin. A small absorbable suture is passed through the inside of the cheek and catches the undersurface of the skin where the dimple is desired. When this suture is tied it causes a dimpling in the overlying skin. At first there is a dimple present even without smiling, but after several days, or sometimes a few weeks, the dimple is only present while smiling or moving the face. The scarring between the inner skin and muscle will cause a permanent dimple even after the suture is absorbed. The dimple surgery takes about 40 minutes to perform and you can go home right away after the procedure.
To create a dimple, a small incision is made inside of your cheek. There is no incision or scar on the outside skin. A small absorbable suture is passed through the inside of the cheek and catches the undersurface of the skin where the dimple is desired. When this suture is tied it causes a dimpling in the overlying skin. At first there is a dimple present even without smiling, but after several days, or sometimes a few weeks, the dimple is only present while smiling or moving the face. The scarring between the inner skin and muscle will cause a permanent dimple even after the suture is absorbed. The dimple surgery takes about 40 minutes to perform and you can go home right away after the procedure.